What is a rebuilt control?

Rebuilding is recycling with immediate savings of 40 – 60% vs. buying new controls. We receive from you a pneumatic thermostat or other control which is not functioning properly and return to you the same model which has been rebuilt and is ready to be put back into service in your facility. You’ll get real “green” in your budget for being “green” and recycling your controls.

Why rebuild?

Recycling makes sense both economically and environmentally. Sending countless controls to landfills yearly is wasting both money and valuable resources. Rebuilding costs 40 -60% of the cost of new controls

Do rebuilt controls have a warranty?

Yes, Rebuilt controls have a one year warranty with the exception of vandalism or contamination from oil, water or other system failure.  View Rebuilts Terms & Conditions.

How do I send my control for rebuilding?

First, be sure your control is one that we rebuild. You can view our rebuilt models on our website or call 800-356-3774 and we will be glad to assist you. Second, box up your controls and send to: EPRI 1758 Travers Wharf Rd Bldg B Cambridge MD 21613 Wrap them in newspaper, bubble wrap or something that will prevent further damage. Third, enclose a purchase order or similar information to help us receive your order and apply it to your facility. A packing list and your business card will work.

Packing Slip for Rebuilt Orders

What are the advantages of rebuilding?

Rebuilt controls are recycled controls with an immediate savings of 40 – 60% vs. buying new controls. Another good reason is the three R’s Reuse, Reduce, Recycle your pneumatics to give them another life-cycle and keep them from ending up in our landfills.

Are there any disadvantages to recycling?

Not really. Recycling your pneumatics is a commitment. You’ll need to save the “bad” stats and then ship them to us.  We can issue a Call Tag to you for a small fee. Most facilities have shipping services available or you can go online to any major carrier’s site

How can I open an account with EPRI?

A credit application is available here to complete and return to EPRI or call 800-356-3774.

I don’t have easy access to shipping my controls to EPRI. Can you help me ship them to you?

Yes, we can issue a Call Tag for you. You can purchase a Call Tag at check out on our website or call and make arrangements. 800-356-3774

Do I have to send my thermostats to you?

Yes, in most cases you do. Our costs are based on a rebuilt/exchange transaction. However, if we have your model in stock we can provide it to you without an exchange for an additional charge. We call this an outright purchase of a rebuilt. Call our 800 line or email customerservice@eprinc.net to check on availability of your model.

Do you rebuild and return the same thermostat to each customer?

No, we pull rebuilt units from stock first. Your units will go to the bench with others where they will all be rebuilt and placed in stock.

How do I take my thermostats off the wall?

New Products:
Follow manufactures replacement instructions that are provided with new products. Save your malfunctioning thermostat to be rebuilt and then placed in stock.
Rebuilt/Recycled Products:
Loosen the set-screws and remove the cover. Covers will be held in place with set-screws or screws. Observe thermostat to see if it is framed with a slightly larger footprint than the thermostat itself. If so look for screws that connect the frame and the thermostat. Loosen screws from frame until thermostat is free. Other models may have screws thru the body of the thermostat itself. Loosen these until the thermostat is held by the air lines and then loosen airlines at the wall fitting or plug-in connector. (Note: in some cases removing the screws will reveal a mounting gasket and air head.) Remove thermostat. The main and branch lines will be exposed which means you will have either no heat (Reverse Acting) or all heat (Direct Acting) until a new device is installed. In an emergency or for temporary unit control connect a piece of 5/32” tubing with one end into the main and one end into the branch. Depending on the action of the thermostat you are replacing removal of the tubing will allow you to turn the heat on or off. Please call for assistance with this step. NOTE: In some cases you will want to replace a malfunctioning thermostat with a new thermostat and send in the malfunctioning one for rebuilding.

Do you offer a trade in allowance?

Yes, we offer $4 per stat after the exchange as a trade in allowance toward a rebuilt order.  For every rebuilt stat we require an exchange and then any additional thermostats you send will go toward a trade-in allowance.  EX: You send 6 stats and tell us you want 3 rebuilt.  We will give you a trade-in allowance for 3 extra.  Send your pneumatic thermostats with a note stating what you are sending and what you expect back.

Do you buy used pneumatic thermostats?

Yes, send a list to customerservice@eprinc.net  .   We will contact you.